Welcome to Iowa Medicare Group!

We specialize in providing seniors with the insurance solutions they need.

Don’t Settle For Less — Get Coverage You Deserve

We design plans with a focus on low costs and proper benefit structure, which we combine with personalized insurance advice aimed at helping our clients make better-informed decisions.


Medicaid is a health insurance program that bases eligibility on income, assets and/or ability to meet specific requirements for waiver programs to keep a disabled or senior in their home. The federal government helps assist states with resources needed to fund state sponsored programs. If you are an Iowa resident or reside in a different state, please call and we can go over your individual state eligibility requirements.


Medicaid is a health insurance program that bases eligibility on income, assets and/or ability to meet specific requirements for waiver programs to keep a disabled or senior in their home. The federal government helps assist states with resources needed to fund state sponsored programs. If you are an Iowa resident or reside in a different state, please call and we can go over your individual state eligibility requirements.

Financial Services

Retirement planning for a senior must include strategies for preservation of assets. Investing with minimal or no downside market risk and participating in market opportunities that historically beat inflation has been a proven strategy for retirement success. For more information about 401k/IRA rollovers or converting assets into income, give us a call today.

Final Expense

Final expense insurance is a type of whole life insurance that can provide a coverage amount to your loved ones to cover your end-of-life expenses, such as funeral or medical costs. As a result, you are saving your loved ones the burden of having to pay these costs out of their own pockets during a time that is meant for grief and remembrance. To learn more about final expense and how it can relieve financial burden, give us a call.

Get The Coverage You Need — Call Iowa Medicare Group Today

As a full-service independent insurance agency that works with many insurance companies, we can find the best coverage for you.

Contact us today!

For more information about your coverage options in Iowa and across the Nation, reach out to Larry Klein of Iowa Medicare Group today!